favorite children's music albums

A Selection of the Best Children’s Music Albums

We love listening to music, especially during our morning chores and the mid-afternoon lull. During these times we usually opt for music that’s mellow and soothing, and then I like to play something a bit more upbeat in the early evening before dinner preparation starts. I find it really helps to expend a bit of energy and get the wiggles out. Plus, any time one of us is in a funk, having an impromptu dance party with music is usually 99.9% effective at curing our blues! Seriously, try it if you haven’t already! It’s hard not to laugh when everyone is jumping around, dancing, and being silly!

I also like to use songs to help with transitions — Nancy Kopman’s Brush Your Teeth song was invaluable to us when we first began brushing Alice’s teeth, and Lilly loved learning the “7 Days of the Week” song. It, along with our linear calendar, has really helped her learn about the concept of time.


Our children were gifted a CD player from their grandparents a couple years ago. Eric and I try to add a couple new albums to their collection each year, and often borrow music CDs from the library as well. On this year’s list of albums to purchase is Putumayo Kids Presents African Playground and Elizabeth Mitchell’s Tú Eres Mi Flor: Songs For Children en Español. My older daughter has recently expressed a desire to learn another language, so we’re beginning to introduce Spanish into our home. (If anyone else is introducing a second language at home, I’d love to hear suggestions! I’m learning alongside her.)

Toddler accessing music CDs from a small case in a Montessori home

The children’s CD player is currently located in our schoolroom, and we keep their CDs organized in a small case. Making the CD player accessible to the girls means they can freely choose if they’d like to listen to music while they’re working or playing in their room.

Toddler electing to play a music CD in a Montessori home

We also utilize Amazon’s Music Unlimited. I make playlists for each recording artist we love, and I also create holiday specific compilation playlists. If I would like to listen to music, I’ll usually ask them which one they prefer and name a few in particular. Lilly is familiar with them to where she’ll request certain playlists now. Alice now has a few favorite songs and will often request those for me to play.

The below album selections include hymns, nursery rhymes and lullabies, some beautiful renditions of old favorites and familiar songs along with a few new ones along the way.

1. Elizabeth Mitchell | 2. Ella Jenkins | 3.  Frances England | 4. Renee & Jeremy | 5. Bob Seeger | 6. Putumayo Kids | 7. Getty Kids Hymnal | 8. Christy Nockels | 9. Music Together | 10. Lisa Loeb | 11. Nancy Kopman | 12. Patty Shukla

It was incredibly difficult to only select one album from each of the above artists, because they have so many wonderful ones available. Most of the songs are catchy and easy for the kids to sing along. I love hearing the sound of my children’s voices singing throughout our house. #purejoy

I’d love to know how you incorporate music into your daily homeschooling and/or parenting  routines. Feel free to comment below!